
Thursday 9 June 2016

pre operation anxiety

I got a phone call this morning that I've been dreading,
Its Ipswich Hospital here we can fit you in next week for your operation.

Now I am only having my Gallbladder out which isn't a big deal to most people but its my first operation that I will be able to remember. I'm especially anxious as I was originally told no one would do the operation due to my arrhythmia that it would be deemed too risky to put me under a general anaesthetic with such unstable blood pressure and heart rhythm. Despite this the consultant anaesthetist said he would do the operation. Even as I was having the pre-op the lovely nurse was telling me that she doubts they will go ahead.

Well they obviously decided that they could minimise the risks or the benefit outweighed the risks. So I now have less than a week (4 days to be precise) to prepare myself, ensure I wont need to go out for anything as I wont be allowed to drive for a week and I have thought everything through. You see the only way I can control my anxiety is to plan! Planning gives me the false but slightly comforting impression that I somehow have control over what is happening, it also gives me something else to focus on.

No doubt while I'm recovering I will be making lots of things so check back next week for some posts in the craft section and new products in my Etsy store.

I keep telling myself that I'm been daft as so many others have to endure much worse and far riskier operations and I wonder if everyone gets pre operation anxiety beforehand or after so many operations do you become immune to the anxiety and treat is as a normal occurrence?

Does anyone have any tips on overcoming the pre-op nerves, if so leave me a comment below.

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