I tend to have medication stashed in a few places so i don't have to move very far to get the medications i need when i'm not feeling well. This is usually things like inhalers and pain relief (also known as PRN medications) that i may need suddenly without much warning. I have some pain relief in a basket next to the sofa, some in a drawer next to my bed and some in my handbag at all times.
I keep the majority of my medications, splints, inhalers and spare pillboxes in a basket. This is so i can find them easily and the basket is easy to carry. It looks quite nice too.
I also have a weekly pill box set that has a separate box for each day divided into four sections, morn, afternoon, evening and night. This allows me to fill these up on a Sunday and then i have that day's pills ready to take with me wherever i go. These pill boxes were from lidl in the UK but a quick search on something like amazon shows loads of choices. The Anabox ones look quite good but a bit pricey.

When I go out I carry inhalers, mild pain relief such as deep heat and freeze spray, moderate pain relief such as naproxen and emergency severe pain relief like tramadol and morphine. I also carry a mini first aid kit as i'm clumsy and poor Proprioception means i'm always bashing my fingers, hands, toes and feet on things.
Right, memory.....what memory......
I always forget to take my tablets unless reminded, I lose track of how many pills i've got and forget to put repeats prescriptions in. Finally i forget to refill my pillboxes. Thats where my medisafe app comes in. I spoke briefly about this in my last post about helpful apps. Medisafe reminds me when to take my pills, shows me which pills are due and can also keep track of how many pills I have left. You can also set it to remind you to refill your pill boxes on a set day. Plus its Free! Who doesn't like free and useful!?
Most pharmacys in the UK offer a repeat prescription service. This means that they will put your repeat in to your GP surgery monthly and you can then collect your medications from them. If you're housebound some Pharmacies will also deliver. My pharmacy will put my repeat into the GP and then collect the prescriptions, prepare my medications and give me a date to collect them. This makes it easier for me to make sure I have enough medication and means less anxiety about running out.
Do you have any suggestions to manage medications or questions, drop me a comment below.
As always thanks for reading,
Laura :)
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