
Wednesday 15 June 2016


Hi and welcome to my Blog - Sending Spoons.

If you want to know a little about me and my motivation behind this blog you can click here.

This blog is about living with chronic illness and crafting. I'm afraid its not all sunshine but its not all doom and gloom either.

 It is possible to have a life with a disability just a life redefined where you set your own goals, hopes and dreams and don't allow anyone else to impose their idea of a "normal" life upon you.

This blog follows my life, the ups, downs and random moments. As you can probably tell from my Selfies I don't wear make up everyday (if you do or don't there's nothing wrong with that, its a personal choice) neither do I have amazing photography skills just yet (I'm working on it ;) ) but I try to write posts that can be helpful to others going through similar things to me and that show a unique perspective into the life of a Spoonie to raise awareness.

I also use my blog to showcase some of my crafts and things I make for Spoonies in my Etsy store (linked through my social media buttons under "Follow me"), these posts are under the "crafts" tab. As my blog progresses I hope to make some tutorial videos on how to make some of the things I create.

I'm fairly new to the blogging world so if you have any hints or tips or just want to say hi, leave me a comment below,
having said that all trolls will be prodded back under their bridge from whence they came and vanquished to the evil land of "blocked" kingdom.



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