
Sunday 14 August 2016

Unplanned trip anxiety!

I'm been brave this September.  I normally don't go anywhere without my trusty rucksack armed with all kinds of things to help me with heat intolerance, cold intolerance, pain, dislocations, asthma and more. Even with all that I Then have to know where I'm going and know where toilets, disabled accessible facilities are and have a plan B for everything.
I think this is typical for most with a chronic illness. Either that or I'm just an anxious control freak! It now comes naturally to me to go out prepared for almost anything my body can throw at me. This enables me to enjoy myself, relax and know that if anything happen I wont have to go running home or ruin the day.
All this goes out the window when I have to go somewhere I don't know. My dad has planned a suprise trip for me. It's a lovely exciting idea BUT it's left me quite anxious. I don't know where we're going. I've to turn up at my Dads house on a specified date and time and he will hand me information about where I'm going, a postcode for my satnav and booking information. All I know is its camping and its for 4 days.
I don't know how far a drive it is, if there's blue badge parking, how accessible places I may need or want to visit are. I don't know if there's pharmacys or doctor's nearby. I don't even know where I'm staying.
Will it be big enough for my power chair?
Will it have accessible bathrooms?
Will there even be somewhere to charge my power chair!?
Will I be able to make myself comfortable and give myself some self care if I have a flare up?
What activities will I be able to participate in?
Will attractions I want to visit be accessible?
I have to be brave and put trust in my dad that he knows my needs well enough to have thought of all this. But then there's the other issue its CAMPING- I'm extremely sensitive to temperatures, too hot my POTS doesn't like it, too cold my Raynaud's and Fibromyalgia doesn't like it. I cant exactly have air conditioning or heating in a tent. My air bed is not that comfy and I wont have a sofa to lay on if I'm having a bad fatigue day.
To tackle this I'm taking lots of pillows and blankets so I can make my own nest of comfy to crash in, this will also help if it gets cold. I hope the campsite has a pool so I can cool down if its too hot. Once I know where I'm going I can do some research and find some places to visit or activities I can do. Whatever happens its my holiday and I'm determined to enjoy it.
It made me wonder how many other spoonies out there have anxiety around unplanned / unexpected trips? Am I the only one?
Of course once I get back I will post about how I got on and how I survived!
As always thanks for reading,
Laura :)

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