
Sunday 7 August 2016

Orthotics appointments and support braces

I'm not doing too well this week so please excuse the dodgy photos! If your in the same boat check out my series on self care.

Here's my experience with orthotics and support braces:

After been diagnosed with Ehler Danlos syndrome (hypermobility type) my next Physio appointment went a little differently. I informed her of the new diagnosis and she proceeded to check my joints for hyperextension. I never realised what my joints did wasn't normal until this point, apparently your knees are not supposed to bend backwards and your wrists aren't supposed to rotate 360 degrees : who knew?!

Cut a long story short my GP referred me to Orthotics for some knee and wrist braces.

At My first appointment the Orthotist asked me to hyper extend my joints and to try and walk ( I wobble at best even with a stick) and then move my wrists in all directions to see what was needed and where. He decided that I still had good muscle and joint control in my left knee but both wrists and right knee were quite bad. I was measured up and a second appointment was made.

At my second appointment I was given two wrist braces and a knee brace, the Orthotist showed me how to put them on and checked their fit and suitability.

This is a Medi knee support, its comfortable but refused to stay in place on me, it didn't matter whether I wore it over clothes or on bare skin it would always wiggle down and be really lose around the top. They have wedges on the side that can be removed if more or less support is needed over time.

These Beagle standard wrist supports were ok, they have a metal rod to support the wrist on the underside which can be removed so they can be washed. The only problem I found was that the pressure of the strap between my thumb and finger was too uncomfortable for me.

Because of the problems I had with this first lot of orthotics I had a follow up appointment and was given different wrist and knee braces:
Osso form fit wrist brace

Townsend knee brace

This brace was less comfortable and not as supportive but stays in place. I suppose there's no point having a comfortable supportive brace if it doesn't stay where its needed. The wrist brace is more comfortable than the last and has a cotton mesh on the inside making it breathable. It cant go in the wash but it feels much more supportive than my other wrist braces. These were more expensive so the Orthotist wanted to try me with the Osso one on my right wrist and keep the Beagle one on my left wrist rather than supplying me with one for both wrists.

So far so good. I tend to wear my knee brace when I know I will be wobbling about the house all day or not using my power chair and my wrist brace when I'm using my hands a lot like crafting, writing or when they hurt. I avoid wearing them all the time as I want my muscles to keep the strength they have but at the same time want to prevent any deterioration in my joints. Its a balancing act.

Any questions? What orthotics if any have you found useful? Comment below

As always, thanks for reading,
Laura :)

Check back next Sunday for my post on anxiety around unplanned events.

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